561 McLawhorne Drive - Newport News, VA 23601 - (757) 591-4878

Hines Middle School

Lisa Gatz-Daniel, Principal


Our mission, as the dedicated staff of Hines Middle School, is to create a safe, responsible, respectful, positive, and literacy-focused school environment as we help our students in their journey to graduate college, career, and citizen-ready.

Hines Spartans logo

Hines School Pledge: I am a Spartan and I pledge to: 1. Be SAFE: I will control my emotions and actions and stand for what is right. 2. Be RESPONSIBLE: I will come to school daily prepared to learn and to do my own work. 3. Be RESPECTFUL: I will consider the feelings of others in all I say or do. 4. Be POSITIVE: I will be first to greet others, smile, and always try my best. 4. Be a READER: I will achieve my independent reading goal, because I know reading opens doors.


Breakfast and Lunch Menu

Speak Up for Safety: Report safety concerns to speakup@nnschools.org or call 757-765-4440 or click the SpeakUp icon on your Chromebook.